Saturday, 31 August 2013

Training/Inter-Unit Street Soccer Competition, 31/08/13

Attention all Sec 1s and 2s not in the Street Soccer Competition, there is training on Saturday, 31 August 2013.
Attire: Sec 1s: Mufti(Crest Tee, Belt, NPCC Pants, black socks & white shoes)
Sec 2s: Full Uniform in tip-top condition(uniforms ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished)
Time: 7.20 AM - 11:15 AM
Reporting Time: 7 AM

Inter-Unit Street Soccer Competition
Attention all Sec 3s and 1s in Street Soccer Competition, there is Street Soccer Competition on Saturday, 31 August 2013.
Attire: PT Kit
Time: 7.20 AM - 12 PM
Reporting Time: Sec 3s: 6:45 AM
Sec 1s: 7:40 AM

Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster

Rifle Shooting Programme 2013

Our Ace with 49/50!

Rifle Shooting Programme, 28 August 2013

Rifle Shooting Programme, (28/08)
Attention all Sec 3s and 2s, there is Rifle Shooting Programme on Wednesday, 28 August 2013.
Attire: School Attire
Time: 2 PM - 5.40 PM
Reporting Time: 1.15 PM in School Attire


-Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster

Friday, 23 August 2013

Training (23/08)
There is training on 23/08, Friday
Attire: Full Uniform in tip-top condition(uniforms ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished)
Sec 1s: Mufti(Crest Tee, Belt, NPCC Pants, black socks & white shoes)
Time: 2:30 PM - 6 PM
Reporting time: 2.20 PM in Full Uniform, Sec 1s in Mufti


-Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster

Friday, 16 August 2013

Training (16/08)
There is training on 16/08, Friday
Attire: Full Uniform in tip-top condition(uniforms ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished)
Time: 2:30 PM - 6 PM
Reporting time: 2.20 PM in Full Uniform 


-Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster

Training Schedule Semester 2 2013

Attention all: This is the Training Schedule for Semester 2 2013.

Training Schedule Semester 2 2013

Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang
Head of Admin & Webmaster

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Attention all Cadets, there is training and Drill Competition tomorrow, 3 August 2013.
Sec 3s & 2s: Full Uniform(Uniforms ironed, Berets seasoned, Boots polished)
Sec 1s: PT Kit(Crest Tee and PE Pants)
Time: 7.30 AM - 11 PM
Reporting Time:
Sec 3s: 7AM
Sec 2s & 1s: 7:30 AM
Drill Competition
Attire: Full Uniform(Uniforms ironed, Berets seasoned, Boots polished)
Time: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

PS: Those involved in Drill Competition are encouraged to drink more water to keep yourself hydrated for the Drill Competition.

Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster

NDP Training

Attention all Sec 3s and Sec 2s:
There is NDP Training tomorrow, 2 August 2013.
Attire: Half Uniform(Pants ironed, Berets seasoned, Boots polished)
Reporting Time:
Supporting Contingent: 4:15 PM

Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster