Thursday, 1 August 2013

Drill Comp Training (01/08)
Attention all Sec 3s in Drill Comp:
There is training on 01/08, Tuesday
Attire: School Uniform
Time: 3 PM - 3:15 PM
Reporting time: 2:55 PM

Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster

NPCC Service Day 2013

Attention all Cadets:
There is NPCC Service Day tomorrow 31 July 2013
Attire: Full Unifrom in tip-top condition(Uniforms ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished)
Sec 1s: PT Kit (Crest Tee and PE Pants)
Time: 3 PM - 5 PM
Reporting Time: 2:45 PM in Full Uniform

Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Drill Comp Training (30/07)
Attention all Sec 3s in Drill Comp:
There is training on 30/07, Tuesday
Attire: School Uniform
Time: 2:55 PM - 3:15 PM
Reporting time: 2:55 PM

Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster

Monday, 29 July 2013

Drill Comp Training (29/07)
Attention all Sec 3s and 2s in Drill Comp:
There is training on 29/07, Monday
Attire: School Uniform
Time: 2:20 PM - 3 PM
Reporting time: 2:20 PM

Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster

Friday, 26 July 2013

Training (26/07)
Attention all Cadets:
There is training on 26/07, Friday
Attire: Full Unifrom in tip-top condition(Uniforms ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished)
Time: 2:30 PM - 6 PM
Reporting time: 2 PM in Full Uniform

Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Drill Comp Training (25/07)
Attention all Sec 3s and 2s in Drill Comp:
There is training on 25/07, Thursday
Attire: Half Uniform in tip-top condition(Pants ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished)
Time: 3:30 PM - 6 PM
Reporting time: 3:30 PM in Half Uniform

Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster

Visit to Singapore Art Museum(24/07)

Attention all Sec 1s and 2s:
The visit to the Singapore Art Museum is tomorrow.
Please report outside the NPCC room at 2.40 PM in your school attire.

Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang
Head of Admin & Webmaster

Campcraft Test

Attention to all sec 3:

       The campcraft test is uploaded via the following link:

Your username and password i will tell you through chi keng. Once confirmed you can log in under the student domain and take the test.

HO Kian Wah
Honoary Officer GMS(S) NPCC Unit

Monday, 22 July 2013

Drill Comp Training (22/07)
Attention all Sec 3s and 2s in Drill Comp:
There is training on 22/07, Monday
Attire: Full Uniform in tip-top condition(Uniforms ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished)
Time: 3:30 PM - 6 PM
Reporting time: 3:30 PM in Full Uniform


-Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Admin & Webmaster

Friday, 19 July 2013

Training (19/07)
There is training on 19/07, Friday
Attire: Full Uniform in tip-top condition(uniforms ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished)
Time: 2:30 PM - 6 PM
Reporting time: 2.30 PM in Full Uniform 


-Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Information and Communication

Wednesday, 16 July 2013

Drill Comp Training (16/07)
There is training on 16/07, Wednesday
Attire: Half Uniform in tip-top condition(Pants ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished)
Time: 3:30 PM - 6 PM
Reporting time: 3:30 PM in Half Uniform

P.S. This only applies to the Sec 3s and the Sec 2s.


-Sergeant(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Information and Communication

POP 2013

After many attempts XD

Passing Out Parade 13 July 2013

Attention all: Passing Out Parade(POP) will be held on tomorrow, 13 July 2013. Here are the details for Sec 1s to 4s.

Attire: Full Uniform in tip-top condition(Uniforms ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished), Crest Tee for Sec 1s

Time: 8:30 AM - 12 PM

Reporting time: Sec 1s: 8:20 AM in Crest Tee
Sec 2s: 8.20 AM in Full Uniform
Sec 3s: 7:15 AM in Crest Tee
Sec 4s: 8:20 AM in Full Uniform


CPL(NPCC) Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Information and Communication

Friday, 12 July 2013

Training (12/07)
There is training on 12/07, Friday
Attire: Full Uniform in tip-top condition(Uniforms ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished)
Time: 2:30 PM - 6 PM
Reporting time: 2:30 PM in Full Uniform (Sec 3s at 2 PM)


-CPL Goh Jin Liang,
Head of Information and Communication

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Drill Comp Training (10/07)
There is training on 10/07, Wednesday
Attire: Half Uniform in tip-top condition(Pants ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished)
Time: 3:30 PM - 6 PM
Reporting time: 3:30 PM in Half Uniform

P.S. This only applies to the Sec 3s and the Sec 2s.


-CL  Goh Jin Liang


The following Cadets will be promoted to Corporal, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant and Station Inspector respectively:

Yue Cheng
Sher Chien
Wei Hern

ALL SEC 3S ARE PROMOTED TO SERGEANT!!! (except Syafiq and Mustafa)

Staff Sergeant
Ee Shi
Kuang Yuan

Station Inspector
Chao Xian
P.S. List is still incomplete and is subjected to changes.

-CL Goh Jin Liang

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Training (06/07)
There is training on 06/07, Saturday
Attire: Full Uniform in tip-top condition(uniforms ironed, berets seasoned, boots polished)
Time: 7:30 AM - 12 PM
Reporting time: 7.30 AM in Full Uniform (Sec 3s: 7 AM)

-CL  Goh Jin Liang

Postponing of Duties

The Flag Raising Duty and Shouting of Command has been postponed to Term 4. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

-CL Goh Jin Liang